Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Journal #7- tuesday

Not a super day for me.  Felt terrible this morning again so took a quick (or not so quick depending on how you look at it) trip to the doctor's office to see if I will survive.  He assured me that I would and sent me on my way with a prescription.  I hope that it acutally works to make me feel better.  Class was good, and I treated myself to a stroll through the dollar store.  I love that place, I know it's foolish, but I just do.  You can find the craziest things, that you just have to have of course, there.  Today I acutally went in with a plan.  I generally buy the kids' body wash, shampoo, and little scrubby poofs there, since they go through 5 or 6 times the amount that hubby and I do.  They must coat their entire bodies with it to use that much, I dunno, but as long as they are cleaning themselves I really can't complain.  I must have gotten a bunch of other things, since I spent $30 there but I can't think of anything else except my iced tea that I drank on the way home.  Hmm, well I am sure that whatever it was, I really needed to get, lol. 

Buoyed by my small shopping spree, I decided to make a real live dinner, in the oven even!  I even managed to make something for dessert!  My hubby will probably have a heart attack when he gets home, but he'd better not or he can eat mac and cheese for the rest of the year for all I care :)  After dinner homework went well, and I even managed to get my son to agree to take a shower instead of having to argue with him about it.  I can't wait until the teenage "I don't need a shower" turns into "I better shower a couple times a day so I don't smell" like it did with my older son.

My mom was able to get online and blog a little about her adventures so far in Africa.  She went over as part of an organization that gets together 10 or so nurses from across the country and they go over, bringing medical supplies, to help teach at a nursing school in Ghana, Africa.  I don't even know how she finds things like that to do, but she did, and as I type she is in Ghana for the next week and a half.  To journal a bit about her adventures and keep in touch with us in the states, she used the notion of blogging (stolen from me and my course on blogger).  So she has entered the computerized world of blogging online, although I have to admit it's really just kind of funny to me that she is.  Tonight's blog was about some of the food that she ate there and learning some of the local language.  I'm not sure if she will need Twi, even in Tennessee, but I think it's really kinda neat for her to be able to go and see first hand what a totally different culture is like. 

Gosh, looking back at what I have written so far it's seems that I didn't have quite so bad a day after all.  I wonder what tomorrow will have in store for me?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what tomorrow holds, and I never will unless you decide to continue on your own, because for 162 purposes you are done with this part of the course--congratulations and watch out for those $1 bargains....
