Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Journal

TGIF!  Today was the type of Friday that created that saying.  I was so glad that my apparent attitude disfunction seemed to melt away as I slept last night.  I had a lovely cup of morning coffee before the kids woke up, sitting on my back porch listening to the birds and squirrels.  After getting the kids off to school Randy and I got to spend a little quiet time together before I began tackling the housework.  Today it seems the laundry and dishes weren't quite so overwhelming, and I managed to make a significant dent in the mountain of dirty clothes.  Gosh I even so far as to get out my sewing things to fix a pair of shorts.  Talk about domestication!  :)  I was so pleased to see that it wasn't quite so hot today, but I did have to wonder how happy I was going to be about cooler days once December rolled around.  Not to mention the potential hurricane that we may be seeing this weekend, that will liven things up for sure.  I can just imagine my mother-in-law's face if the Labor Day cookout has to be cancelled because of the weather.  Well, we will have to wait and see I suppose, tomorrow should tell the tale of what we will be getting.  I am hoping that it doesn't get to terrible out, since hubby is working all weekend and I will have to find ways to keep the kiddos occupied.  Time will tell, I'm sure that I will be griping tomorrow night if they are stuck in the house with me.

1 comment:

  1. We dodged Earl or it dodged us, judging by the sunlight and diminished winds in Swanville.

    You write a nice, organized, together, coherent graf.
