Friday, September 10, 2010

Journal #6 - friday

I love fridays, but today was kinda sad.  My mom is, as we speak, in a plane heading to (of all places, I know) Ghana, Africa.  There is some long convoluted story and reasoning that she is going to Ghana, but to sum it up, she is taking part in a really great program that gathers medical professionals to go and take medical supplies (stethoscopes, and gowns and stuff) and also help to teach at a nursing/medical school at a hospital in Ghana.  I think that she was getting really nervous about going, because when I talked to her earlier today she was kinda mushy and a little sad.  She was really stressed about having to teach such a large number of students at one time, and trying to pack everythign that she would need in a suitcase that was a maximum of 62 linear inches (I still don't know quite what this means, but I was supportive regardless).  So she was kinda sad, I am having this seriously difficult time making a rather big decision, so we griped and complained and verbally patted each other on the back until we both felt a little better.  I was thinking about it a little while after I got off of the phone with her, about how cool it was that she and I were able to talk to each other and maybe help to make each other feel a little better, even if we could't do a whole lot to help.  I know that for me just talking it out, arguing it with myself out loud, makes it easier if I am trying to make a decision.  When I do that I don't have to worry about hurting anyone else's feelings, or what someone else might think, or if I am just agreeing with the other person to be polite, or letting someone else influence my decisions.  But when I am talking it out with my mom, I don't have to worry about that then either.  I realized today, that is a rare thing.  I hadn't really thought about it before, but I have almost always been able to do that, and I really hope and wish that everyone has an opportunity to have someone like that in their lives.  Gosh, what terribly deep thoughts I am thinking tonight - profound even (lol).  Well back to the mundane.  I think that tomorrow I will spend some time bribing my children to get some work done.  Maybe they will want to think deep thoughts with me, I might pay extra for that. :D

1 comment:

  1. Funny--you do it again here: tapdance quite effectively past what the big decision might be, leaving it up to the reader to decide: is she planning to shop at Target instead of Walmart? Is she visiting her mother-in-law instead of her stepmother-in-law over Thanksgiving? Quitting her job? Giving up her children for adoption and getting a puppy instead? Planning on divorce, bankruptcy, surgery, suicide?

    I can go on like that all day, but I haven't anything real to go on. We have no idea what your idea of a big decision is! Truth is, even the best tapdancer has to take those taps off sometime....
